Thymuskin Balsam Intensive Conditioner


Intensive conditioner care for high maintenance hair and dry, sensitive scalp. Provides shine and moisture to hair with long term effect. Nourishes the scalp and hair and regulates the scalp condition.

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  • Thymuskin activates and nourishes hair follicles
  • Thymuskin activates lymphocyte division
  • Thymuskin increases cell vitality of keratinocytes
  • The thymus peptide active substance GKL-02 acts as a direct modulator of hair growth
  • The thymus peptide active substance GKL-02 inhibits various enzymes which play a decisive role in the development of hair loss (5αreductase, tryptase, trypsin and mast cells involved in hair loss)
  • Hair loss in bald areas can often be reactivated up to three years after the hair loss occurred by using Thymuskin. Hair status is strengthened and the growth phase lengthens
  • Thymuskin accelerates the regeneration process
  • Thymuskin has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore positively affects all inflammatory forms of alopecia


When starting to use Thymuskin, activation of hair follicles may result in slightly increased hair loss. In order to minimise this possible effect, you can start using only Thymuskin Shampoo in the first week, then add the use of Thymuskin Serum from the second week on every two days, and increase weekly to daily use in the fourth week. When the hair status has improved, follow this process in reverse order to complete the therapy.

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