medical dermatology

Services and treatments available for a wide variety of medical skin conditions

Being a medical practice, services and treatments are available for a wide variety of medical skin conditions. Treatments are no longer being covered by medical aids following examination.

Removal of skin lesions

Biopsy of skin lesions

Keloid/scar treatments


Acne (adults and teenagers)



All treatments are inclusive of a medical consultation and include the cost of all consumables.
Should you opt to come in for a consult and assessment only, a fee of R500 will be charged.

All treatments are payable following completion of treatment on the same day either by cash, debit or credit card.
Unfortunately, EFT’s cannot be accepted. Aesthetic and cosmetic treatments are not covered by medical aids.
Quotations may be forwarded to you should you require a series of treatments and these will be valid for a period of 3 weeks following the date of quotation.

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